Storm Ellen


A couple of weeks ago Storm Ellen struck and for me it was great news. For once the winds were being driven in from the south and the Yorkshire coast was experiencing a spring tide with high tide at 6.00pm. After an early meal and a check of my wellies I was off to Hartlepool. Really? Oh yes! Those of you that watch Vera as avidly as I do know that there is a long breakwater there that juts out in a westerly direction. There is also a promenade on which to stand and keep safe.

When I arrived the scene wasn’t what I expected. Instead of huge rolling waves there was mega choppiness so the wave collisions were on a smaller scale than I would have liked. However it was still fascinating to read what the water was doing and to find the spots where I could capture most of the action.

I used two different techniques. I set my camera to 1/1000 sec to freeze the water into ice like molecules and then as the light started to fade I reset the shutter speed to 1/4 to achieve some blur but hopefully keep enough detail to draw interest.

The promenade and wind direction meant that I didn’t even have to don my wellies tho it felt very strange to be taking wave photographs in my normal attire. I shall certainly return when storm winds are forecast but my quest for giant rollers on the Yorkshire coast continues….